For over 20 years Eduardo has been working with the body: as a dancer, choreographer and as a contemporary dance teacher.
In the end of the 90´s he discovered, through the dance project "simple tasks for complicated minds", the strength of yoga with Beate Guttandin, certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher and disciple of Pattabhi Jois.
After practicing with different international teachers such as Brian Kest, Desiree Rumbaugh, Ganesh Mohan, Rita Keller among others, he decided for a yoga education at Lord Vishnus Couch in Cologne, Germany, which became his second home.
Following the philospophy of his teachers Amy Heger, Beate Korioth, Nicole Bongartz and Jörg Buneru, the most important aspect of his yoga practice is findind and sharing inspiration for a happier, healthier and fuller life.
Using his creativity as a choregrapher and dancer, he creates fun and challenging asana sequences. His anatomical awareness is a special component in his classes, together with his caring and careful contact with the body giving special attention to precise adjustments and alignments. His long experience in meditation also enriches his classes.